
Unja is Divine Rebirth. Unja is the reaper and planter. Inevitable, and terrifying, Unja lingers above the old man's cough and is the hunger in the lion's eyes. She also represents the cycle and rebirth of the seasons.

Aspects: The Whisper in the Dark, The Harvester

Domains: Nature, Death

Symbol: Skeletal hand entwined in Thorns, or Rose

Implement: Reliquary consisting of soil from your homeland and a bone of a relative. These reliquaries can take on many forms. From pendants or small chest to more elaborate statuary.

Favored Weapons: Sickle, Khopesh, Whip

Virtues: Pragmatism, Conservationist

Vices: Savage, Aloof

Worshipers: Hunters, Gravekeepers

Cultures: Ristax & Vas

Opposes: Akkiz & Vaara