
Malros is Divine Revelation. Malros' light will reveal all. His burning eyes upon you. The crazed scholar searching through forbidden tomes and the eager student both look to Malros for guidance.

Aspects: The Watcher, The Seeker, The Beacon

Domains: Light, Knowledge

Symbol: Two eyes wreathed in flame

Implement: Typically a censer. This censer will either be engraved with an eye or a pair of eyes, or is itself molded in the form of a pair of eyes.

Favored Weapons: Ball and Chain, Morningstar

Virtues: Curiosity, Wisdom, Truth

Vices: Intrusive, Arrogant, Obsessive

Worshipers: Scholars, Nobles, Investigators

Cultures: Thalistae & Vas

Opposes: Otune & Vaara