The Ristax Alliance
The Ristax Alliance dominates the western portion of Kumatha. An unforgiving land filled with harsh climes and roving monsters. The Ristax extol self-reliance, and martial prowess. To an outsider, the Ristax Alliance appears to be nothing more than a savage lot of barbarians. Menacing brutes who are not much better than monsters. However, the Ristax view themselves as a group bound not by law or fealty. But by blood shed and blood spilled.
Ristax respects the primality of life and nature. They embody the unbridled elements and wield their fury. Their mannerism may be harsh, but they welcome the self-determined. So long as one is willing to put forth their best efforts, they can find a place among the Ristax. Which is why so many outcasts from across all the lands end up calling it’s harsh lands home.
Perhaps the greatest threat to Ristax and all of Kumatha are the Knaraugh hordes. An endless army of wildmen and monsters called the Wild Tide. The irony is not lost on the Ristax that they are in many ways the only thing holding the Knauragh hordes at bay, keeping the wild tide that threatens to drown Kumatha in blood and fire, down to a mere trickle.